Congratulations to the Broadstairs A team who have won the club’s first trophy of the season, the Team Quickplay. The official photographer was too busy checking the football scores on his phone and celebrating the big result on the night – Portsmouth 1 Charlton 2 – to take a photo of the winning team. Fortunately, another photo of the two Broadstairs teams was found in the archives and reproduced above and two pretty strong teams they look, too.
It is a shame that more clubs do not support these events. Broadstairs provided two teams of four but the only other club to take part was Margate. Last time the same three teams contested a league event – for the Team Buzzer a couple of years ago – Colin Gregory wryly commented that this was a two-horse race in which Margate could finish third. Well, it didn’t happen then but it did last night. The format was all-play-all twice and the final results had a perfectly symmetrical look. Broadstairs A dropped only two points to finish with 14/16 while Margate, unfortunately deprived of some of their strongest players, could only score two points (2/16). The Broadstairs B team split the difference to finish bang in the middle (8/16). Full details can be found here.
Well done to the following Broadstairs players who won all their games: Trefor Owens, Shany Rezvany, Ian Hames and Paul Johnson and thanks to Margate Chess Club for hosting the event and to John Clarke for organising it.
Broadstairs A: Trefor Owens, Shany Rezvany, Paul Carfrae, Ian Hames
Broadstairs B: Bob Page, Richard Clement, Paul Johnson, Michael Doyle
Here is one of Trefor’s wins which he describes as ‘a pretty finish, even if I missed a mate in one!’
White: Trefor Owens Black: Colin Gregory
Team Quickplay 2018: Broadstairs A v Margate